Selasa, 05 Oktober 2010

Interview my self and your self...

hello,my name is Rere Themothy...i lovee manga of course anime hobby is drawing,reading comic,dll...i lovee cats...(persia,angora)this is my first favorite anime band is Vocaloid*of course*Yui,Buono,Suppercell, favorite anime is Vocaloid *of course*,Shugo Chara, favorite film anime is Lovely Complex,Shugo Chara,Inukami,Onegai Teacher, favorite drama film is BbF,He'S bEauTyfuL,Still Marry me,dll....i lovee my friends....Thank You For Enjoy This Blog...and Thank You For all My Senseeeiii in NNC....LuP yU aLL...

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